有許多動物,和小狗狗兒們需要一些衣物和志工的幫忙因為KCSAA高雄市關懷流浪動物協會,這個團體剛從一個可怕的地方就出500隻狗(跟101忠狗有拼!)  圖片有點多....沒有血淋淋到不行,但是也夠.痛心疾首,總之牠們有些已經撐不過這年冬天,.....
I've just been informed that the shelter is in desperate need of volunteer help on weekdays.
Please spread the word.
You can contact the KCSAA at 07-322-2552 for more details.

On November 10, the KCSAA, a fellow animal rescue organization in Kaohsiung, rescued 500 dogs from an illegal breeder. Yes, that's correct 500 dogs. The breeder was starving the bigger dogs to death because he couldn't sell them and he was feeding only the smaller breeds which he thought he could sell. However he was feeding them rotten food infested with maggots. ALL the dogs are sick and emaciated. Many have died already.
See the link here (caution- graphic photos):
The dogs have all been taken to a government shelter in Kaohsiung county where they will be held for 2-3 months before being put up for adoption. We are not sure why they will be held for so long prior to adoption. All we've heard is that there is a lot of red tape and bureaucracy that is preventing these animals from getting out of the shelter sooner. They will probably take 3 months to recover from being neglected and starved. In the meantime, volunteers are helping to cut the hair of the dogs that have skin diseases so they can feel some relief and heal faster. Most of the dogs are small breeds and puppies and they are really feeling the cold weather, especially up in the mountain. BARK is requesting that you donate any old shirts, jackets, sweaters, blankets and towels, especially small childrens' and baby clothes and any other animal related items, such as flea/ tick/ heartworm control and dog food. You can drop them off at Pet's World (180 Boai 3rd road). Pet's World is open 10am-10pm every day. I will do a pick up from Pet's World every day this week to get as many supplies out to the dogs as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support and kindness to animals.

BARK Co-Founder



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