布梭尼......繼李先生斯特(Liszt)後...有名的超技改編鋼琴家,最有名的應該就是巴哈寫給亡妻的Dm夏康舞曲..(Kempf改編"耶穌眾人的喜悅"也很有名..但.有機會再說) The Italian pianist Busoni’s important achievements as a composer were long
over-shadowed by the fact that he was generally thought the greatest piano
virtuoso after Liszt.
He also made his
mark as a respected teacher of both piano playing and composition, and as an
editor of Bach’s keyboard music. His
thoughts on Bach’s music have been highly influential, although his editions
weren’t exactly what we today would call authentic.
The solo piano versions of Bach’s
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (for organ) and the Chaconne
from the second Violin Partita are among his most well-known
True or not, the story of Busoni’s wife being introduced at a
function as Mrs. Bach-Busoni says a lot about how famous Busoni’s Bach transcriptions were
already in his own lifetime.
In spite of his interest in baroque and classical music, Busoni was certainly no backward-looking composer. In his writings he proposes the use of microtonal scales and electronics, and in 1912 he produced his first work “without tonality”, the Second Sonatina.
Busoni’s major keyboard work, Contrapuntal Fantasy, is based on the final, incomplete fugue from Bach’s Art of Fugue.
25 original pieces by Busoni and 15 Bach-Busoni transcriptions have been added to our online sheet music library.