這個..請交叉參照英國的《Times》和中國的某網路新聞... 照抄(翻譯的形式)嫌疑很大喔!! (好像應該用表格畫起來.做對比..我來試試)
Internet addiction made an official disorder in China中國可能成為首個把網癮列為精神疾病的國家

人生一半是遊戲?泡在網咖就算了,走上大街還半人半怪獸,快承認無法抽離角色的你已經中邪了吧。正解:圖為日本遊戲公司的宣傳手法(Photo by Junko Kimura/Getty Images)
China could become the first country to classify internet addiction as a clinical disorder and plans to lead the world by registering the condition with the World Health Organisation. Beijing’s Health Ministry is expected to adopt a new manual on internet addiction next year, based on the research of Chinese psychologists. It will recognise the condition as similar to compulsive gambling or alcoholism. |
中國可能成為世界上第一個把上網成癮列為一種臨床精神疾病的國家,並計劃率先向世界衛生組織申請登記。中國衛生部預計明年將接受一種有關網癮的新標準,它是在中國心理學家研究的基礎上制定的。它將把網癮歸為與強迫性賭博或酗酒類似的病態行為。 (他把它..合併成一段...咱們繼續看下去..
“China finds itself at the forefront of this research because we were among the earliest to set up clinics . . . we had a sufficient sample of patients so that we could carry out proper scientific analysis,” Tao Ran, who set up China’s first internet addiction clinic at the Military General Hospital in Beijing, told The Times. He said that he had reached his conclusion by studying more than 3,000 people over four years. China has the world’s largest online population at 253 million people and many younger web users are inveterate participants in gaming sessions. Internet cafés in large cities and remote villages are crowded with mainly young men glued to the screen as they engage in battles with rival players. Dr Tao said that he compared his data with that of experts in the United States, where internet addiction is not recognised as a disease. He had determined that an addict spent 6.13 hours online each day, a figure that coincided with the US assessment of 6.14 hours a day. Research by the internet media company InterActiveCorp showed that 42 per cent of Chinese youngsters polled felt addicted to the internet, compared with 18 per cent in the US. Surveys by the China Network Information Centre showed that nearly half of China’s online population were aged between 18 and 30. According to Chinese estimates, about 10 per cent of young users suffer from addiction and of those about 70 per cent are male. Dr Tao says that the condition is often merely a symptom of deeper psychological problems. Almost all child addicts have behavioural problems, which are then aggravated by their addiction. Before they came to the internet, they may have turned to crime or drugs to cope with their feelings of alienation, he said. Some were suicidal. His clinic treats patients who may also suffer from depression, fear and an unwillingness to interact with others. Many have sleep disorders. They cease to communicate with family or friends and live huddled in front of a computer screen, drifting through chat rooms or playing violent games. Common to all his patients are family problems. Unlike drugs, the internet does not create dependency, and Dr Tao places his success rate of curing patients at about 70 per cent. He said: “The increase now is not as rapid as it was a few years ago. However, this was the first such clinic in China when it opened in 2005. Now there are several hundred across the country.” |
在北京軍區總醫院成立中國首個網癮治療中心的陶然醫生說:“中國處在該領域研究的最前沿……我們擁有足夠多的病例,這樣我們就能進行正確的科學分析。”他說,他通過4年時間對3000多名網癮患者進行了研究。 中國擁有世界上最多的上網人口,網民多達2.53億,其中許多年輕網民沉迷于網路遊戲。通常大城市和偏遠鄉鎮的網吧坐滿了年輕人,他們緊盯螢幕沉浸于跟對手玩家的激戰當中。 陶醫生說,他把自己的研究數據與美國專家的研究做了比較,在美國,網癮尚未被認定是一種疾病。他認為上網成癮者每天花6.13個小時上網(非用於工作), 這個數字與美國得出的一天6.14小時的評估一致。由互聯網媒體公司IAC進行的調查顯示,受訪中國年輕人有42%感到上網成癮不能自拔,相比之下,在美 國這個比例是18%。由中國互聯網路資訊中心的調查顯示,將近半數的中國網民年齡在18~30歲。 據中國估計,大約10%的年輕網民受到網癮困擾,其中約70%是男性。陶醫生說,網癮只是更深層心理障礙表現的一種症狀,幾乎所有網癮兒童都存在行為問題,網癮加劇了他們的問題。他說,在上網成癮者不上網時,有可能轉入犯罪或吸毒以克服孤立感,一些人選擇了自殺。 他的網癮治療中心收治過患有抑鬱、害怕和不願跟人接觸的網癮患者,許多人存在睡眠障礙。他們不願與家人或朋友交流,喜歡蜷縮在電腦螢幕前逛聊天室或打暴力遊戲。他的患者普遍有家庭問題。 與毒品不一樣,互聯網不會造成生理的依賴性,陶醫生稱他治愈患者的成功率為70%左右。他說:“患者的增加不如前幾年那樣快。不過,2005年開設的網癮中心當時是中國首家。現在全國已有幾百家網癮治療中心了。” |
====== 為何我覺得中國是抄襲呢..因為..請看黃色標記,
而且英國的時間(嘻..雙關語,謝謝)是 November 11, 2008, 中國的則是2008年11月15日 07:35 來源:中國青年報
An unhealthy dependence on tanning, so called because of its similarities to
body image disorders such as anorexia. Withdrawal symptoms have been
described as similar to those of alcohol and drug addictions
Compulsive shopping affects 20 million Americans. It describes an
uncontrollable urge to buy items that are never used, sometimes never even
removed from the bag
The fear of being without a mobile phone. An estimated 53 per cent of us
experience acute anxiety if we find ourselves without our mobile or are
forced to switch it off
Cosmetic surgery addiction
According to a 2006 study, 40 per cent of patients using Botox had a
compulsive urge for further treatment. The British Association of Aesthetic
Plastic Surgeons has drawn up a checklist to help surgeons to spot addicts