胸腔急症~氣胸 胸腔外科~黃文傑醫師
1.氣胸( Pneumothorax):是氣體在胸腔內引起肺萎陷。若引起縱
診斷 :
i.理學檢查: 患側的呼吸音減弱,心音偏向對側。有時頸部有捻
ii.胸部X光: 患側呈現高透光性,而且沒有支氣管的顯影。旁邊
治療 : 無症狀或僅有輕微的呼吸窘迫,可在病房作嚴密的看護,這種
- Spontaneous 自發性?
Primary pneumothorax
Secondary pneumothorax
Airway and pulmonary disease (COPD, asthma)
Interstitial disease (Pulmonary fibrosis)
Infection ( TB..)這應該是肺結核
Catamenial ( Endometriosis)
- Iatrogenic
- Post-Traumatic
- Early complication
Prolonged air leakage
Non re-expansion of the lung
Complete pneumothorax
- Potential hazard
Occupational hazard
Absence of medical facilities in isolated areas
Associated single bulla
- Second Episode
Ipsilateral recurrence
Contralateral recurrence after a first pneumothorax
Surgical indication for primary spontaneous pneumothorax
-Definition & Factors 自發性氣胸的定義和起因
- Definition
Accumulation of intrapleural air as the result of a break in either the visceral or parietal pleura
- Factors determining
gas reabsorption
- Diffusion properties of the gases
- Pressure gradients
- Area of contact
- Permeability of pleural surface
-Clinical investigation 臨床調查
- Signs and symptoms
- Sudden onset chest pain
- Shortness of breathing
- Cough
- Diagnosis
- Auscultation
- Differential diagnosis
- Skin fold
- Giant bulla
Treatment Options for Pneumothorax
- Observation
- Needle aspiration
- Percutaneous catheter
to drainage
- Water seal Pleur-evac type
- Heimlich valve
- Tube thoracostomy
- Water seal Pleur-evac type
- Heimlich valve
- Tube thoracostomy with instillation of pleural irritant
- Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery
- Thoracotomy
Indications for Surgical Intervention
- Second episode
- Persistent air leakage for greater than 7-10 days
- First episode with unexpanded, “trapped” lung
- History of contralateral pneumothorax
- Bilateral pneumothorax
- Occupational risk (driver, airplane pilot, living ina remote area)
- Large bulla
- Large undrained hemothorax
- First episode in a patient with one lung
- First episode in a patient with severely compromised pulmonary function
Recurrence of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
- Therapy
Recurrence (%)
- Expectant 30
- Aspiration 20-50
- Chest tube drainage 20-30
- Pleurodesis (tetracycline) 25
- Pleurodesis (talc) 7
- Surgery 2
Complication of Pneumothorax
- Tension pneumothorax
- Re-expansion pulmonary edema
- Persistent air leak
- Hemothorax (less than 5%)
- Pneumomediastinum
Removal of Chest Tube
- Indications
- No fluctuation in the fluid column of the tube (complete lung reexpansion or tube occlusion)
- Daily fluid drainage <100ml in 24 hours
- Air leakage has stopped
- Proper timing (controversy)
- Spontaneous pneumothorax
after tube thoracostomy
- removal tube within 6 hours of reexpansion--25% collapse
- Spontaneous pneumothorax
after tube thoracostomy
- Tube Thoracostomy
( Chest Intubation)
Indication of Chest Intubation
Drain pleural fluid or air
promote lung expansion
1. Pneumothorax
2. Hydrothorax
3. Hemothorax
4. Chylothorax
5. Pyothorax
6. Post-thoracotomy etc.
Apparatus of Chest Tube Drainage
1. Underwater sealed bottle:
Separate from atmosphere
2. Collecting bottle:
Decrease resistance of drainage
3. Negative pressure suction:
Promote lung expansion
Procedure of Chest Intubation
1. Local anesthesia, confirm location
2. Skin incision at selected area
3. Dissect into pleural cavity thru a subcutaneous tunnel
4. Deloculate in pleural cavity
5. Insert tube posteriorly and laterally
6. Close incision wound, fixed the tube
7. Connect tube to underwater sealed bottle (or with negative pressure suction)
Attention In Chest Tube Insertion
Attention Prevent occurrence
1. Thru thoracostomy wound Underlying organ injury
palpate the underlying structure (supra-or infra-diaphragm)
2. Avoid trocar intubation (except Lung or other organ injury
3. Keep tube in good direction Chest pain, great vessel erosion
4. Avoid intubation thru posterior Pain, unable in supine
chest wall
5. Avoid to suture & close Air leakage
thoracostomy wound too loose Skin necrosis, pain
or too tight
Attention in Massive Subcutaneous (Mediastinal) Emphysema
1. Keep airway patent (even endotracheal tube)
2. CXR
3. Insert chest tube in pneumothorax or suspicious side
4. Connect tube to negative pressure suction immediately
5. Close thoracostomy w’d slightly loose
6. Insert another tube if no improvement
7. Low O2 nasocannula
8. Determine the cause & treat underlying disease
9. Remove tube after complete subsidence
When to Remove Chest Tube ?
1. No air leakage
2. Drained fluid < 50 c.c./day
3. Clear serosanguineous color of fluid
4. Full expansion of lung in CXR
- Clear sterile fluid remove directly
- Turbid, infected fluid withdraw progressively
open drain
Attention in Chest Tube Care (I)
Attention Prevent occurrence
- Fix chest tube firmly Tube moving & contamination
- Don’t clamp tube during Tension pneumothorax
transportation in presence of
air leakage
- Don’t use negative pressure suction Abrupt mediastinal shift,
after pneumonectomy venous return decrease, death
- Don’t apply negative suction Reexpansion pulmonary edeme immediately after intubation for
cases with large volume or long
duration of pneumothorax, hydro-
Attention in Chest Tube Care (II)
Attention Prevent occurrence
- Don’t lift up tube above Back flow contamination
thoracostomy wound
- Use collecting bottle and elevate Back flow contamination
the connecting tube between 2 Lung collapse
bottles in big residual pleural
space or massive air leakage
Attention in Thoracotomy with Lung Resection (I)
Attention Prevent occurrence
- Suture ligated or close pulmonary Slip out, bleeding
vessel with stapler
- Make adequate length in bronchial Stump broken
- Cover bronchial stump with Bronchopleural fistula
surrounding tissue, especially in
- Pre-operative anti-TB or anti-fungal Disease flare up
drug (at least 2 wks) for suspicious
TB or fungal diseases