話說,如果要讓幸運餅乾的籤紙成真,必須先達成以下條件喔Superstitions surrounding fortune cookies:
- The cookie must be eaten for the fortune to come true.吃掉才算數
- The fortune must be read before any of the cookie is consumed or it won't come true.吃其他餅乾之前,要先念完嘿
- The fortune must be read aloud to come true.而且要念的很大聲。(碎碎念不算,這跟日本元旦做的第一個夢不能跟別人說不一樣~)
- The cookie must be chosen with your eyes closed.這塊餅乾必須是你閉著眼睛挑出來的。
Here's a fun story:有求有保庇!?!
美國有110人,從幸運餅乾裡的籤紙得到5個號碼,竟然全中! 唯一沒中的是40 (中國的迷信.."四"是不好的?) 發出去的總獎金高達1千9百4十萬美金!!
On March 30, 2005, there were an unprecedented 110 second-place winners of the Powerball lottery, all of whom had played the numbers they got in a fortune cookie. The first five were all correct, but the sixth (40) did not match the Powerball number of 42. The total payout came to $19.4 million with 89 tickets winning $100,000 and 21 additional tickets winning $500,000 due to the Power Play multiplier option.
--From the Editors at Netscape
1. "You will find a bushel of money."
2. "Your smile will tell you what makes you feel good."
3. "You are going to have some new clothes."
4. "Your family is young, gifted and attractive."
5. "There is a true and sincere friendship between you both."
6. "The night life is for you."
7. "Face facts with dignity."
8. "You are magnetic in your bearing."
9. "You are free to invent your life."
10. "Good sense is the master of human life."
11. "Maybe someday we will live on the moon!"
12. "Don't panic.".....這裡只列出12張, 基本共有24個..詳見http://food.aol.com/cuisines/cinco-de-mayo-recipes 然後..點完9張圖, 就會出現圖文並茂的幸運囉~