

  因此學習英文不能只學孤立個別的單字(isolated words),用脫離文境的學習方式背單字對照表只是見樹而不見林,學習者應該擴大學習的單位,以片語、詞組、甚或句子作為意群(meaningful chunks)的單位來學習。若能學習使用正確的搭配詞,就能使英文口說和寫作更加自然精確,更接近以英語為母語者的表達方式。本文旨在探討英語搭配詞之意涵與教學,首先介紹搭配詞的幾個重要概念,包括其定義、分類及搭配錯誤的原因;接著提供學習活動,最後列出數個教導搭配詞的資源,包含詞典專書、教材教法之研究書籍和檢索搭配詞的線上語料庫等,希望能作為國內英語教師之參考。  


  所謂搭配詞,根據美國學者Lewis(2002a:8)的定義為「某些字在自然文本中以大於隨機的頻率共同出現」(certain words co-occur in natural text with greater than random frequency)。另引用搭配詞辭典 Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English2002:vii上所提供的定義為:「搭配詞是某語言中字彙合併的方式,以產出自然的口語和文字」(Collocation is the way words combine in a language to produce natural-sounding speech and writing)。而主編另一本搭配詞辭典The BBI Dictionary of English Word Combinations 的Benson, Benson和Ilson(1999)則認為若要流暢正確地口說和寫作,就必須學習如何將字詞組合成片語、句子和文章,這種組合的方法就是搭配(collocate)。以上這些定義都指出英文個別詞彙的意義相當靈活,不容易確定其義,要等到它和其前後的文字組合形成一特定的搭配關係後,其意義單位(unit of meaning)才會穩定明朗。而詞彙的搭配雖不見得有嚴謹的規則來規範,卻也不是任意組合(free combination),而是有其固定的搭配形式以形成搭配詞。也因為搭配詞具有固定形式之特性,美國學者Hill(2003)就主張熟悉搭配詞可使學習者具備「大量現成的表達方式和句子」(a vast repertoire of ready-made expressions and sentences)用以流暢和自然表達自己的意見,對於學習英文相當重要。


  至於搭配詞的分類,較有系統的分類方式是由Benson, Benson和Ilson(1999:xv)所提出的語法搭配(grammatical collocation)和詞義搭配(lexical collocation)兩種類別。所謂語法搭配是由一個支配字(dominant word)如名詞、形容詞或動詞,再加上介詞或其它語法結構,如不定詞或子句所組成的片語,可進一步再區分為八種結構,以下每種結構以G代表grammatical collocation,數字代表編號:
G1 「名詞+介詞」: The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
G2 「名詞+to+不定詞」:It was a pleasure to do business with you.
G3 「名詞+that+子句」:I took an oath that I would do my duty.
G4 「介詞+名詞」:Major earthquakes can be predicted months in advance.
G5 「形容詞+介詞」:We were hungry for more success.
G6 「形容詞+to+不定詞」:It is necessary to understand the nature of science.
G7 「形容詞+that+子句」:He was afraid that he might lose his job.
G8 為19種動詞模式(verb patterns):依字母排列計有模式A到模式S共19種,例如模式A為「與格移動轉換」(dative movement transformation),也就是句子中的間接受詞可以轉移到直接受詞之前,並省略to。例句為I sent the book to her.可轉換為I sent her the book.其它動詞模式請參見Benson, Benson和Ilson(1999:xx)。

  而詞義搭配則通常不包含介詞、不定詞或子句,而是由名詞、形容詞、動詞和副詞所組成,也可再分為七種結構,以下每種結構以L代表lexical collocation,數字代表編號:

L1 「動詞+名詞」(表創造或使活動):The computer software program can help young children compose music.
L2 「動詞+名詞」(表根除或使無效):How much does it cost to demolish a house?
L3 「形容詞+名詞」:I can give you a rough estimate over the phone.
L4 「名詞+動詞」: Our burglar alarm goes off unexpectedly.
L5 「名詞+of+名詞」:He sent her a bouquet of flowers.
L6 「副詞+形容詞」:The good manager will be keenly aware of the needs of others.
L7 「動詞+副詞」:Students vary considerably in their abilities to understand the second language.

  以上Benson, Benson和Ilson (1999)對於詞語搭配的分類方式往後就成為許多搭配詞研究的基礎。



(1) 受母語使用習慣的干擾(interference)
  主要是因學習者的母語使用習慣負面轉移(negatively transfer)到英文表達上而不自覺,例如中文裡講「學習知識」,很多學習者在用英文表達時就會寫成learn knowledge或study knowledge,但在英文中learn和study 是不會與knowledge搭配在一起,意義比較接近的英文搭配是gain或acquire knowledge。其它例子還有「提升英文能力」最好用improve English skills,而不要用raise English ability;「酸雨」acid rain不能寫成sour rain因為完全錯誤;「作研究」do research不要用make research;「工作機會」job opportunity更不能是job chance等,這些錯誤大多是來自學習者母語的干擾。

(2) 英文使用的過度類化(overgeneralization)
  這通常是因為學習者的英文已有一定的程度,對於某些詞彙的表達過於自信,將在某文境(context)中正確的搭配用法類推到另一文境時,卻產生錯誤的搭配。例如學習者知道commit這個動詞可以和 crime/ suicide/ murder/ offence/ conspiracy/ robbery/ fraud/ sin/ harm等負面的名詞搭配,但就是不能因此而類推為和mistake搭配來表達「犯錯」。又如句子The research result was extremely disappointing.句中extremely disappointing是正確的搭配,但若將之類化成以下句子就錯了:The research result was an extreme disappointment.因為extreme disappointment並不是正確的搭配,要改寫成great disappointment才合理(Woolard, 2000)。而從正確的extremely disappointing類推成錯誤的extreme disappointment也是一種過度類化。

  傳統的單字教學方法就是讓學生背誦單字表,但這種方法缺乏文境(context),學習的成效不佳。有人提倡大量閱讀即可提供學習者足夠的文境來學習字彙,但大量閱讀並不一定能讓學習者意識到詞彙之間的搭配關係。事實上學生的搭配詞知識(knowledge of collocations)是遠遠不及於其一般的字彙知識(knowledge of vocabulary in general)。因此在課堂上有教授搭配詞的必要,Lewis 所編的專書Teaching Collocation: Further Development in the Lexical Approach 中就建議許多搭配詞的教學活動。

  首先我們必須先了解,搭配詞的教學理念反對傳統由教師主導的「演示、練習、產出」(Present-Practice-Produce)之教學典範(paradigm),而代之以學生親身「觀察、假設、實驗」(Observe-Hypothesize-Experiment)的新概念(Lewis, 2002)。因此學生的自主學習(autonomous learning)就扮演非常重要的角色,教師基本上是提供各種教學活動和資源來協助學生探索語言現象和歸納模式以習得搭配詞。以下謹就筆者曾使用的教學活動舉出數例供英語教師作為參考。


  教師應該鼓勵學生在學習英文的過程中自行搜集和記錄搭配詞,不論是書寫在筆記本上或鍵入電腦裡,只要是方便檢索即可,而大量累積之後就成為學生個人的學習語料庫,在寫作或口說時都可拿出來參閱。記錄方式以詞性(part of speech)作為分類的基礎。常用的搭配組合方式請參考前述「搭配詞的分類規則」。下例為research一字所找到的搭配可能性:
V. N.
carry out/ cite/ conduct/ do/ set up/ undertake/ research
Adj. N.
academic/ ample/ clinical/ collaborative/ current/ data-based/ detailed/ empirical/ extensive/ follow-up/ further/ future/ ground-breaking/ historical/ in-depth/ leading/ original/ painstaking/ pioneering/ previous/ qualitative/ quantitative/ scientific/ seminal/ systematic/ research
N. N.
research area/ article/ assistant/ attention/ center/ community/ data/ effort/ evidence/ field/ finding/ foundation/ goal / grant/ group/ institute/ laboratory/ method/ objective/ opportunity/ paper/ paradigm/ problem/ procedure/ program/ project/ purpose/ question/ report/ result/ stage/ team/ work/ writing/


1. V. + N.
It is important to conduct research on the possible beneficial effects of CALL.
2. Adj. + N.
However, no empirical research has ever been reported as to whether explicitly teaching structure facilitates ESL reading comprehension.
3. N. + N.
The research data reveal obvious reasons for this clear distinction.




  Researchers of second language learning have often __1___ that learners' beliefs about foreign language learning would likely __2___ their use of learning strategies. However, research which has empirically __3___ the link between learners' acquired beliefs and their use of strategies is scant. Therefore, the aim of this article attempts to ___4__ how learner's beliefs about English learning and their use of English learning strategies are related. This research involved a survey, __5___ of two sets of questionnaires ___6___ learning beliefs and strategies.

以上段落的每個空格都有一個以上的參考答案,分別為:1: suggested, indicated; 2: affect, influence; 3: documented, recorded; 4. explore, examine; 5: comprised, consisted; 6: concerning, regarding等。



1. 我早上起床時感到劇烈的頭痛。
When I woke up this morning, I __________________ a serious headache.
2. 這種情況下會出現什麼困難?
What kind of difficulties may __________________ from this situation?
3. 這個颱風對農作物造成嚴重的損壞。
This typhoon __________________serious damage to the crops.
4. 青少年需要一些基本生活技能的訓練,包括自己的衣服。
Teenagers need some basic life-skills training, including how to __________________ their own laundry.

  以上四題較佳的譯詞分別為1: had; 2: arise; 3: caused; 4: do,但是學生受到母語思考和英文用法過度類化的影響很容易寫成1: felt; 2: appear; 3: made; 4: wash。其實英文中可以說feel sick,但不宜說feel a headache;可以說people appear,但不能說difficulties appear;可以說make coffee,但不能說make damage;而wash clothes是正確的,但用wash laundry就不恰當。透過以上搭配詞翻譯的練習,可以讓學生從其搭配錯誤中意識到中文對英文學習的負面轉移以及英文字詞用法是有其文境的限制,在學習過程中也就會特別注意。








Benson, M., Benson, E., & Ilson, R. (2007). The BBI Dictionary of English Word Combinations. 台北:書林。

Hill, J., & Lewis, M. (Eds.). (2005). LTP Dictionary of Selected Collocations. Hove, UK: Language Teaching Publications.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English. (2002). Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Hoey, M. (2005). Lexical Priming: A New Theory of Words and Language. Oxon, UK: Routledge.

Lewis, M. (Ed.). (2000). Teaching Collocation: Further Development in the Lexical Approach. Hove, UK: Language Teaching Publications.

Lewis, M. (2002). The Lexical Approach. Boston: Thomson Heinle.

Lewis, M. (2002). Implementing the Lexical Approach. Boston: Thomson Heinle.

McCarthy, M., & O'Dell, F. (2005). English Collocations in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

McCarthy, M., & O'Dell, F. (2008). Academic Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Nattinger, J. R., & DeCarrico, J. S. (1992). Lexical Phrases and Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Sinclair, J. (1991). Corpus, Concordance, Collocation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wills, D. (1990). The Lexical Syllabus: A New Approach to Language Teaching. London: Collins ELT.

Wills, D. (2004). Rules, Patterns and Words: Grammar and Lexis in English Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Woolard, G. (2004). Key Words for Fluency. London: Thomson Heinle.


Web Concordancer(香港Virtual Language Centre提供)

NTNU CCRS(台師大提供)




NTU Collocation(台大提供)

NTU Word Search(台大提供)

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